Optimanova Cat Exquisite Chicken & Rice is a recipe that has been specially formulated to satisfy the fussiest felines.. Its perfect combination of fresh chicken meat and oils of the highest quality will ensure that your cat always has a healthy appetite, while at the same time keeping its digestive system healthy and enhancing your cats beauty.
Protects the immune system from numerous diseases and helps develop cardiovascular health and the nervous system during gestation and growth. It also prevents your cat’s coat from looking dry and brittle.
The Zinc content aids skin regeneration, keeping the skin healthy and vigorous. Fatty acids nourish the skin and make for a healthy, shiny coat.
The pre-biotic effect of FOS stimulates the bacterial flora beneficial for the digestive system (bifidus effect), while the MOS eliminate the harmful flora, thus improving digestive health.
The high quality and freshness of the ingredients, together with an excellent combination of oils, meats and extracts, makes our food highly appetising and stimulates consumption.